2024-25: Optical and Laser Science Postdoc Postings (moderated by the Utrafast Optical Phenomena Technical Group)
All University, National Labs, and research institute postings are welcome. Please include a link to the job posting. Permanent faculty job rumors should be posted at Faculty Rumor Mill.
Post your postdoctoral openings here. Please consider updating the positions! Those without fixed closing dates may be removed after 6 months. The page is managed by volunteers from the Ultrafast Optical Phenomena Technical Group of OPTICA (formerly the Optical Society, OSA) Ultrafast Optical Phenomena Technical Group. It is not directly run by or endorsed by Optica.
How to Edit/Add job rumors: simply click the user-friendly “Edit” button at the bottom of the table. No registration is needed (warning anyone can modify them). The Optica Ultrafast Group will periodically delete old (>6 mo) postings. Specifying a deadline helps us remove old profiles.
Research Field | Institution / Location | PI (s) | Deadline | Notes |
5+ years postdoctoral fellow/staff scientist position in ultrafast coherent imaging of quantum materials with HHG | IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid, Spain | Allan Johnson | Open until filled | Position funded by ERC StG KnotSeen, potential for conversion to permanent position following grant duration. Further details at https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/282918 |
Postdoc positions in 3D nanophotonic devices | Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida | Stephen Kuebler | Open until filled | Begin as soon as possible, more information: https://jobs.ucf.edu/jobs/post-doctoral-scholar-chemistry-orlando-florida-united-states-f6488eca-3641-436a-804e-0ed5a54fd349. Fully-funded project aimed at creating and characterizing novel 3D nanophotonic devices for focusing and imaging. |
Ultrafast Quantum Magnetometry | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Denitsa R. Baykusheva | Open until filled | Latest start date: 01.05.2025, more information: https://ultrafast.pages.ist.ac.at/open-positions/. Fully-funded project aimed at realizing ultrafast readout of nitrogen-vacancy centers. |
Ultrafast and/or electro-optical spectroscopy | Ultrafast Laser Complex, Boise State Uni | Ryan Pensack, D Turner, P. Davis | Open until filled | Applications opens Aug. 2024, contact ryanpensack@boisestate.edu |
Postdoc positions in attosecond quantum optics | National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa | Giulio Vampa | Open until filled | Position opens: May 2024. Topic: mixing quantum-optical states with intense fields for the generation of non-classical light at very short wavelengths. See: https://www.attoscience.ca/jobs/ |
Post-doctoral Associate in laser emission from biological structures | Florida Polytechnic University | Nathan Dawson | Open until filled | https://flpoly.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External-Faculty/details/Post-Doctoral-Associate_R2221 |
Postdoctoral position in EUV integrated ohotonic circuits | Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies, Milan, Italy | Rebeca Martinez Vazquez | Open until filled | The researcher will work in the framework of the funded FET project XPIC “eXtreme ultraviolet to soft-X-ray Photonic Integrated Circuits” (https://www.x-pic.eu/).For more information and application please contact me by e-mail: rebeca.martinezvazquez@cnr.it |
Ultrafast thermal Conductivity measurement | Oregon State University | Nirmala Kandadai | Open until filled | Email :kandadan@oregonstate.edu More information : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AcBAIURjhDYTMilmctRnjMyODQ8Sbhr2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118240928298626540187&rtpof=true&sd=true |
Ultrafast mid-infrared optics | University of North Texas | Yuzhe Xiao | Open until filled | Email: yuzhe.xiao@unt.edu. More information at https://sites.google.com/view/xiao-group-unt |
Quantum nanophotonics and X-ray photonics | NTU, Singapore | Liang Jie Wong | Open until filled | Email liangjie.wong@ntu.edu.sg. Information at https://sites.google.com/view/ljwgroup |
Quantum Many-Body Physics | University of Leeds, UK | Zlatko Papic | Open until filled | https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23810 |
Condensed matter experiments: scanning probe microscopy and 2D materials | Rice University | Yonglong Xie | Open until filled | Starting date as early as July 2023. email yonglong@rice.edu for more details. |
Ultrafast optics and Nanophotonics | NIST | Amit Agrawal | Open until filled | Ultrafast optics; nanophotonics; integrated photonics; metasurfaces; nanofabrication; amit.agrawal@nist.gov |
Condensed Matter Experiment: ultrafast control of quantum materials | Cornell University | Ankit Disa | Open until filled | Opening for postdoc with experience in ultrafast/nonlinear optics and/or THz/magneto-optical spectroscopy, . E-mail asd47@cornell.edu and see https://disa.aep.cornell.edu for more information. Applicants from Germany highly encouraged (can be sponsored for Feodor Lynen Fellowship). |
Postdoctoral Position in Ultrafast Optics | Ohio State University | Robert Baker, Louis F. DiMauro | open until filled | email leshchenko.1@osu.edu https://jobs.sciencecareers.org/job/642132/postdoctoral-position-in-ultrafast-optics-at-the-ohio-state-university/ |
Postdoctoral Position in Nonlinear Optics | University of Bath, UK | Ventsislav Valev | Open until filled | start date asap; apply at: https://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=CC10369R |
Postdosctoral Position in Ultrafast Spectroscopy | Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Munich | Leonardo de S. Menezes | Open until filled | Efficient generation and manipulation of surface acoustic waves with plasmonic nanostructures; l.menezes@physik.uni-muenchen.de |
Postdoc Position in Ultrafast Optics in Hollow-core Photonic Crystal Fibre | Russell Centre for Advanced Lightwave Science | Xin Jiang | Open until filled | For more information please see JOIN US page in official website: www.r-cals.com |
Postdoctoral Position in Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics | Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Canada | Luca Razzari | Open until filled | For more information, see https://www.nature.com/naturecareers/job/12813046/postdoctoral-position-in-ultrafast-nonlinear-optics/ |
Condensed matter experiment, time-resolved scattering, attosecond spectroscopy | Stanford | Alfred Zong | Open until filled | See https://zonglab.stanford.edu for more information. |
This Rumor Mill is inspired by the CMO/AMO Physics Rumor Mill, but is focused on posting seeking applicants with interdisciplinary backgrounds common to the laser optical sciences. It is a place to search and post institutional-based jobs for applicants who are talented with (esp. ultrafast) optics and laser sciences. Please help to keep this list updated with all 2022-23 postdoctoral positions that are relevant to:
Ultrafast phenomena (broadly defined) Ultrafast laser science Optical Spectroscopy Applied Physics in optics Optical CM and AMO experiment and theory, Optical Materials science, Optical Biophysics and laser microscopy Chemical Physics And other fields.
Send questions/problems to the Optica OU-Technical Group Chair, (M.W. Graham graham@physics.oregonstate.edu). This page is a community bulletin board, we make no claim as to the accuracy of the rumors or jobs posted.